You can dream, create, design and build the most incredible place in the world ... but it takes people to make all of this come true. Only he who strives succeeds. Only the one who focuses, achieves what he wants. Only he who disciplines his mind directs it. Only he who believes sees beyond what is seen. Only you can decide who you want to be.


Director  |  CEO

Solera del 90. Cordobés by birth, Jerez by adoption. What has brought him to Jerez has been love and wine. Entrepreneur and creator of memorable wine tourism experiences. Sommelier. Certified Trainer in Jerez Wines. Wine Tourism Technician in the Marco de Jerez. Superior technician in guide, information and tourist assistance, specialized in wine tourism. Technician in winemaking and other beverages. Speaker at conferences on wine tourism and entrepreneurship. "I think if everyone had two glasses of wine, the world would be much better."


Tasting staff

Solera del 95. Pure apple Jerezana. Hard-working, fighter and independent. After studying Compulsory Secondary Education, he decides to start an Intermediate Degree in Commerce. It belongs to Down Jerez Aspanido, where he has taken numerous courses, highlighting the Hospitality Course. He likes soccer, music, animals and Sherry Wine. "I am happy with the work we do. I am very happy doing what I like."


Tasting staff

Solera del 97. Jerezano of pure stock. Hard-working, happy and constant. After studying Compulsory Secondary Education, he takes numerous courses at Down Jerez Aspanido, the entity to which he belongs, highlighting the Hospitality Course. He likes karate, soccer, dancing and Sherry Wine.
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